Mary Sue #JHerbin #Clairefontaine #Creapen

I've been playing around with brush pens a lot lately.  I'm not doing too bad, but as with everything practice makes perfect, and there are still times were I'm not getting the results I want.

Normally I do abstract or non-objective work, but it occurred to me that I might get better results if I start doing more realistic work with the brush pen.  Not as in photo-realism, but by drawing clearly recognizable things.  Sometimes you need to switch things up so your brain will re-activate and make it easier for you to break old habits.

This gal's a figment of my imagination, not based on anyone in particular.  In writing parlance, a Mary Sue is a female character who is written as perfect.  She can do no wrong, has a beautiful singing voice, unusually striking eyes, never makes mistakes.  She walks into the room and takes over because everyone immediately realizes her intelligent perfection.

So I thought I'd make her a Mary Sue.  She must be.  I mean just look at her fashion sense! Lol!
